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Pawsitive Haven™
Mental Health Support for Pet Owners

Finding Strength Together

Below is a preview of the program that we will be starting as soon as our building is complete, we would be grateful for any support to make this dream a reality for our community! Visit our Donate page to help us reach our goal!

Pets bring immeasurable joy and companionship to our lives, but being a pet owner also comes with unique challenges. At Pawsitive Haven, we understand the profound impact that pets have on our mental well-being. That's why we're here to provide a safe and supportive space for pet owners to find strength, share their experiences, and receive the help they need.

Why Pawsitive Haven?

  1. A Community Built on Understanding: Our Pawsitive Haven program is a community of pet owners who understand the bond between humans and animals. Here, you'll find a compassionate and empathetic group of individuals who can relate to your experiences, challenges, and triumphs.
  2. Mental Health Support: We recognize that life can sometimes be overwhelming, and the demands on your mental health can be significant. Our program offers a range of mental health resources, including support groups, one-on-one counseling, and educational materials tailored specifically to pet owners as well as temporary housing for your furry family while you seek inpatient assistance.
  3. Strength in Numbers: Through Pawsitive Haven, you'll find strength in the power of community. By connecting with fellow pet owners, you'll discover that you're not alone in your struggles. Together, we can navigate the ups and downs and build a strong support network.

Our Services

  1. Support Groups: Join our support groups where you can connect with other pet owners facing similar challenges. Share your stories, exchange advice, and find comfort in the knowledge that others understand and care.
  2. Individual Counseling: Our qualified therapists specialize in providing mental health support. Schedule one-on-one counseling sessions to explore your feelings, manage stress, and develop coping strategies that will enhance your well-being.
  3. Educational Resources: Access a wealth of educational materials designed to help you better understand the impact of pet ownership on mental health. From articles and blog posts to informative guides, our resources provide valuable insights and practical tips.
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Adopted Friends

MamaHi, I'm Mama Rose-ShadowWe're Rose & Shadow CooperHi, I'm Cooper DuncanHi, I'm Duncan LillyHi, I'm Lilly BaileyHi, I'm Bailey MowgliHi, I'm Mowgli RubyHi, I'm Ruby PepperHi, I'm Pepper CallaHi, I'm Calla MillieHi, I'm Millie WillowHi, I'm Willow

... and more to come.